there's a serious dearth of houses in TFMA at the moment. the past two weeks have been the start of what promises to be an excellent if not chaotic holiday season. and mercury is in retrograde. so we're holding off on our initial loan paper work (which is actually finished and sitting on our kitchen table) and the house hunt is on a bit of a hiatus. not to say that i haven't checked my real estate bookmarks three times this week, just that when i do, i can't seem to get excited.
that being said, there is a mysterious house on the Hill, that has a Better Homes & Gardens Realty sign out front. i just can't find any information about it online. and frankly, i'm okay with that. we'll deal with it in january.
in the meantime, i bought a table today.
a long, glorious norweigan relic of times gone by. with a set of six chairs that don't match the table but are close enough. and that offer a weekend project in recovering their seats. and while it works great in our dining room now, i can't help but imagine the host-greatness that i'll achieve once it fills in our "some day" dining room.
so here's to cheap finds and future dinner party dreams. i have plenty of seating, so you're all invited.